Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Talk: Online Marketing Trends that include Web 2.0

I've learned my lesson. No more Worth1000.com for me. I'm like an addict!

I'm working on a session for a confrence given by Seattle BizNik.

I know my target audiance is a small business owner that in many ways doesn't want to know about this. They know they should, but it's never worth the time to sit down and sort it out. They are confused about Web 2.0 and don't know which direction to turn.

“Online Marketing Trends that include Web 2.0” (I don’t like the title. Suggestions?)

This talk will be a speedy romp through hot trends and technologies. Logic says that businesses should apply at least one hot trend every year, but which one? Which will give the most dazzle for the buck? Online marketing will be the focus, but no marketing campaign should stand alone.

Many businesses are frustrated when they try to apply one or a mix of online strategies. How is a person supposed to target their marketing in a world where the experts do not agree on anything? There are multiple definitions for even things as basic as what Web 2.0 actually is. Not to mention that every expert is giving contradictory predictions for what they think is going to be the next big thing. The long-tail supporters and trendwatchers.com say that the days of having one mega-trend are over. Business people have to get a passing understanding of all of the top trends and technologies and how to apply them appropriately in order to best get their message out.

This talk will relieve some of this confusion. We will have to move fast to give a glimpse of these trends and technologies. Some of the trends we will cover are honor, sharing, social/community, transparency (no spin), reciprocity, participation, global collaboration and viral. Some of the technologies we will talk about are the web, blogs/RSS, spaces, stores and associates, podcasts and wikis. We will stay on the practical side spotlighting things that are neither prohibitively expensive nor

All suggestions are welcome!


Anonymous said...

Here's a game your target audience can play while you pretend to know what you think they should know:


Rather than waste their time with with buzzwords and your interpretation of the Web 2.0 concept (and thats all it really is) or trying to guess what the "next big thing" is, why not delve into something like Tim Berners-Lee's vision of the Web, the Semantic Web? At least you could inspire some inovation and discussion that way.

Oh wait, you used to work for MS. Nevermind!

Brandy Galos said...

I really disagree with you. I respect your passion, but you are wrong in this case.

I will have an audiance of non-technical, small business people that just want to know how to sell more widgets.

I'm not going to lecture them on the proper use of the < e m > < / e m > tag.

When and if (and I think it's a *big* if) the big guys get the whole semantic thing going, then I will talk to them about that.

But it's been 10 years. And I also think that in the systems of the future, computers should figure out how to work with humans and not the other way around.

But thanks for the comment and for reminding me of some of my college lectures.

Anonymous said...

Replying to the original comment...

Gee, you're right. We should drop everything we're doing and, instead, focus on Sir Tim's ideas because.. Oh, wait, there is no because.

Really, the hero worship that some people put in is flatly amazing and I'm guessing your college professor just gave you a great lecture on the history of computing so you knew a name to mention.

Let's see... Sir Tim produced a stripped down version of SGML which was a committeed up version of IBM's mainframe markup language GML (of PROFS fame) and used it for producing linked term papers that couldn't have formulas or graphics. But it could do hyperlinks in a way that totally lost all the power of Ted Nelson's existing Xanadu hypertext system that had been around for years. Oh, and it built it on an asynchronous protocol with no session concept so we'd all have to invent clever ways to put sessions and sub-page rendering back on top.

Yeah, that's who I'd go to for "the future".